Has anyone listened to teenagers have a conversation lately??Not just a everyday "He thinks your cute" type conversation...but real talking from the heart. It is pretty alarming. In this age of "emo" and cutting yourself just to feel better..is there really many adults paying attention? Many kids live in true darkness...many have lost complete hope for the future....thinking that the world is going to end anyway..so why try. Who has held their new baby softly in their arms and thought that there could be no greater treasure...promise that you will always be there for them...you will never let anything happen to them. But then...something happens...that precious little bundle of happiness suddenly is no longer recognizable...they do not listen..they argue. Sometimes...more and more...this happens sooner than later...and they are left...forgotten...given up on. Maybe they were even born into this mentality. What is happening to our children people??I know that there is other people out there like me that thinks their children are the very breath they breathe..(even the teens) however...we are few. We are seriously looking at our future in the face...and letting it slip away.I am torn up every day...thinking of the ones we have lost. My own daughter went through a rash of many friends succeeding in taking their own life...with one...she was on the phone talking to one friend..while the other found another friend in the bathroom...bloody...and took her last breath in his arms as she repeated "I'm sorry". How I would have loved to just reach out to this angel...I cannot imagine how alone and scared she was.How hard this was on my girl. I know that there are very happy...well adjusted teens out there. But culturally in this area...there are more of the forgotten ones. My kids have had friends over that their parents seriously had no idea where their kids were and what they were doing. I have had kids over that actually seemed to come over because we were more family oriented..and she seemed to enjoy doing chores for me. My heart just breaks when I hear parents complain harshly about their teen.Now I gripe about my girls million shoes everywhere...and my son being way hyper. But things that I have heard is just unimaginable.These kids can be amazing!!! I know also that there are those who have parents that will do everything...and still does not get through. Yes...I know. but at a whole...this is life nowadays. Beautiful, precious, priceless treasures being tossed aside because it is too hard, parents just want to focus on themselves, or just never even wanted to be parents. I know at times I may seem immature...my "twilight" obsession...or that I will stay up playing "Halo" on the x-box.But you know what??? My kid...is at home...with me...and I am communicating. Not on the street, not drinking or doing drugs..but spending time with their mom. Your kid will come to you...asking you to listen to a song...or to see a movie...but in your busy world...they will only hear "Not now" so many times before they stop asking...before they close themselves off to you. Isn't that precious bundle you held so long ago worth 5 minutes of your time now??? Please...love your children. Have a positive attitude about them...if you look at it as wonderful...it is wonderful.Be open...mistakes will be made( But you made it through life with none right??). Never turn your back on them...show them that life is worth living.And that they are still worth your time.Ohhhh no...I am not claiming to be an expert...or that I am right about everything...I just love my kids...and that everyone should grow up in that type of love. Reach out..and claim the treasure before you....before it is too late...Now...my plan is to make this blog a very fun one...but also...I was just want to get out what is in my heart.